Our work for the farm began with full-scale brand development, which provided the basis for us to execute a broad range of tactics, including a logo refresh and tagline, which communicated a clearly defined identity and selling proposition.
The Farm’s new website, featuring original illustrations integrated with photographs of organization team members, highlighted one of the firm’s signal strengths – its highly capable staff – while bridging the perceptual gap between the The Farm’s name and visual identity and the industry it served.
As a company that provides services ranging from quoting and procuring to engineering, programming, commissioning, training and more, The Farm understood the importance of clarifying its top-level messaging so as not to overwhelm first-time site visitors. The simplicity of the website, along with its focus on the people who power The Farm, accomplished that objective.
The mobile-responsive site delivers cross-platform utility without sacrificing functionality or compromising the brand’s look & feel.
Asked to help promote the newly launched website, Supervox proposed a contest to “Name Our Chicken” – a central graphic element of the brand and the star of its swag.
The Farm’s “Name That Chicken” contest drew hundreds of entries, spiked traffic to the new site, and helped both to reposition the company in the eyes of its current customers while introducing The Farm to prospective ones.