Matt Wilson February 26, 2025
Unless you’re in the pro AV industry, you’ve probably never heard of Sound Control Technologies, a manufacturer of AV connectivity solutions that are part of the invisible infrastructure that supercharges collaboration in boardrooms, conference rooms, town hall environments and other settings.
SCT is a client of ours, and we couldn’t be more honored to help this amazing company thrive. Without getting too much into the weeds, SCT creates camera, codec and tabletop technology solutions that radically simplify connectivity challenges in AV spaces, enabling the efficient transmission of power, control, IR, audio and video across once unimaginable distances.
Their gear isn’t glamorous (to anyone but tech nerds), but it’s so powerful, well-designed and reliable that SCT customers use it in demanding, high-performance settings across the planet. Basically, what SCT solutions do is eliminate the infrastructure gaps that can prevent AV technology from performing to its full potential. And not only do SCT products enable extraordinary levels of performance, they also reduce the cost of achieving that degree of efficacy.
Traditionally, SCT has operated under the radar. It’s not in the company’s nature to boast. Its gear performs so well that it has fueled steady growth without a major investment in marketing. In 2025, however, SCT decided to follow the adage, “It’s not bragging if it’s true.” They came to Supervox for assistance in clarifying brand communication on the website and in SCT’s trade show presence – notably at ISE 2025, the world’s largest pro-AV tech show, where it laid claim to high-profile real estate in the dead center of ISE. To maximize ROI for SCT, we partnered with them on booth design and messaging that reinforce and extend our prior work on the SCT website. We’ve embarked on an excited journey with SCT, because this is a company that essentially has no barriers to growth. We’ll keep you posted on the amazing things to come.