Supervox Blog

Back From ISE 2025 in Barcelona

The juggernaut continues.  ISE 2025, the world-renowned annual tech show for the systems integration and audiovisual industry, concluded on February 7, and – for the third year in a row – Supervox played a pivotal role in advancing ISE’s s…

Supervox Showcases Sound Control Technologies to a Global Audience

Unless you’re in the pro AV industry, you’ve probably never heard of Sound Control Technologies, a manufacturer of AV connectivity solutions that are part of the invisible infrastructure that supercharges collaboration in boardrooms, conference r…

Barcelona-bound with Sustainability in AV (SAVe)

It’s official: Sustainability in AV (SAVe), the nonprofit organization whose board includes Supervox partner Tim Alevizos, has been invited by Integrated Systems Europe to exhibit at ISE 2024, the world’s largest AV systems integration show.…

Supervox named “2022 MAC Partner of the Year” by the National Systems Contractors Association (NSCA)

WE WON AN AWARD! Maybe we don’t tout our own accolades as often as we should, but the NSCA recently named Supervox its MAC (Member Advisory Council) Partner of the Year for 2022 and that’s worth shouting out. NSCA is a powerful advocate for all w…

The joy of partnering with Joy Collaborative

Pro bono work is a must for creative agencies – and not just because we have a responsibility to give back to the community. For one thing, it just feels great to advance the social good. There are opportunities to stretch your creative muscles in…

Working from home during COVID-19: The Good, the Bad and the Musty

Most everyone outside of those employed by government-deemed essential businesses is working from home now, if they’re fortunate enough to still have a job during this worrisome time. We Supervoxers are doing the same, and finding it takes some…

Well, Coronavirus sucks.

There’s really no silver lining to a pandemic, except perhaps the fact that we’re all in this together. That said, we know that the hardship will not be distributed equally. Each of us has a responsibility to be mindful of others’ challenges, a…

What’s in a Name: Creating the Celeste of St. Paul Brand

Maybe a year and a half ago, Rebound Hospitality engaged us to create a brand for a new hotel in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota. That’s a juicy project in its own right, but what made this one particularly exciting was A) the 113-year-old building’…

2019: Look Back, Leap Forward

We created Supervox in order to give ourselves the opportunity to exercise our skills and pursue our passions on projects that engage us, for clients who energize us. And by both those measures, the nature and variety of our work over the past twelve…

How restaurants load up the value of gift card programs

Restaurant gift cards are more popular than ever, during the holidays and year-round. No wonder they’ve become ubiquitous. What’s really interesting to us is how the industry’s smartest players maximize the potential of their gift card programs…

Serving up your restaurant brand: A conversation with Maite Kuhns, trainer & recruiter

For all the groundwork laid by the creative team, it’s the restaurant staff who ultimately bring the brand to life. We sat down with Parasole Restaurant Holdings trainer and recruiter Maite Kuhns to talk about the importance of brand training.

The art, science, and near‑futility of restaurant naming

Restaurant naming has never been easy, and the task has only gotten harder in the digital age. But if you’re resourceful and determined enough (or if you have a branding agency with those qualities), the perfect name is out there.

More than a pretty website: The beauty of process in website design

Website design is serious business – or at least it should be. To maximize our clients’ ROI and help achieve their business objectives, we design websites that are marketing technology tools whose overriding purpose is to spur conversion.

Supervox grills a steakhouse master: Restaurant branding insights from Parasole’s Phil Roberts

How can independent restaurants get the edge over chain behemoths? Parasole Restaurants founder Phil Roberts shares the brand strategy that has elevated his suburban steakhouse concept, Pittsburgh Blue, to a market-dominating position.

Making the charity case: The power of Cause Marketing

In a consumerized world, people avoid brands they dislike, ignore ones they consider irrelevant – and go to great lengths to find and latch onto ones they can love. One way to ensure you’re in the latter camp: embrace cause marketing.

How to fail at website redesign: Ignore your site analytics

Website redesigns are exciting, but focusing only on what’s to come sets you up for failure. That’s why we begin each redesign project by looking at your site’s analytics account. The insights it provides will bear directly on your new designs.

Have a little empathy for your web audience

What began as a simple discussion about a “clunky” website quickly evolved into something much bigger. This wasn’t just about slow-loading or unattractive sites. It was about how it made you feel. And suddenly everyone was weighing in.

All aboard the Twin Cities 400

For the Twin Cities 400 Tavern in Minneapolis, Supervox helped bring its brand to life by focusing on the restaurant’s deep Minnesota roots and its commitment to expressing the state’s heritage, hospitality, and culinary culture.

How Firebirds Restaurants stoke success

Firebirds Wood Fired Grill, a national leader in polished casual dining, has partnered with Supervox Agency to create one of the restaurant industry’s most admired brands.

The power of an AV industry game changer

Victor Hugo said, “Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” Well, what about an all-powerful idea whose time has come? Ponder THAT for a moment – then let us tell you about our experience helping to launch AVI Insight.

Since it’s award season…

May we take a moment to mention a few of the awards we’ve won this past year? We feel funny doing it – not only because talking about ourselves goes against our Lutheran DNA, but because awards are so peripheral to why we do what we do.

A quick thanks

2017 went by fast – and here it is even faster. What strikes us about this little montage, however, isn’t just the volume of work it depicts, but the diversity of it – across media and platforms, spanning a world of tactics.

AVI LIVE comes alive

This was gratifying! One of the AV industry’s premier thought leaders, Gary Kayye of rAVe Publications, blogged recently about AVI LIVE 2017, a tech exploration and education event we helped create for our client, AVI Systems, Inc. They’re the na…

Meet the Lazer Catz

Supervox’s first outings in the Better Off Bowling league have been triumphant, mostly because our opponents can’t bowl for s*** with lasers trained on them. You might wonder how we became the Lazer Catz. After all, what does that name have to do…

We’ve come a long way

It’s been a big year for Supervox. In a way, it feels like our agency came of age. We grew up. Awww. A little history Supervox started as three creative gentlemen breaking away in 2008 from the marketing firm, Gage, where they had come to be em…

What’s a “creative agency for ambitious brands”?

It’s who we are, and who we’ve always been. But we never really articulated this notion of ambition until we embarked on our agency rebrand and, as part of the process, interviewed a number of our clients to see how well their view of us matched…

So you’re contemplating a rebrand

No business ever undertakes a rebrand lightly. Not only is it a laborious, potentially expensive undertaking, jettisoning an old brand for a new one entails significant risk. Handle it the wrong way, and you could trade valuable brand equity for some…

Before our agency rebrand…

…we were Intercom Agency, a Minneapolis-based design/branding firm with well-known work, but a decidedly under-the-radar reputation. Sure, our clients talked us up. In fact, their referrals served as our principal new business tool – which worked…